She was born on March 7th at 8:13 pm, was 7 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches long. And she has tons of hair! Not something that is normal for either our family or her mother's family. But she is a cutie and a welcome addition to our family.
Now for the tag. My daughter tagged me and I think that I just have to put in my responses to what she had on her blog so here goes:
5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
- Working at the City of Mesa Library's Dobson Ranch Branch
- taking classes long distance from BYU
- being a mom
- teaching the spiritual mini lessons at Enrichment/Homemaking meetings
- becoming a grandmother for the first time
5 Things on my to do list for today:
- fill out this tag
- work some more on the quilt for my daughter's baby
- make dinner
- get our van back from the garage
- turn in another lesson for my class
5 Things I would do with a million dollars:
- Help my kids with their various expenses
- Put most of it in savings for our missions/retirement
- get new furniture
- get some new clothes for us
- donate a lot to the LDS humanitarian fund
5 Places I have lived:
- Provo, Utah
- Laramie, Wyoming
- Brookhaven, New York
- Scottsdale, Arizona
- Tempe, Arizona
5 Jobs I have held:
- babysitter
- hotel maid
- refreshment stand attendant
- library page
- library clerk
5 Things I want to be doing in 5 Years:
- finally be empty nesters (no kids living at home)
- have all the kids married in the temple
- finished with school at last
- be a children's librarian
- have lots of grandbabies come to visit
5 People I tag:
- Jeannette
- MiriLou
- Crissi
- Ben
- Dave (this'll never happen!)
So there you go, a brief update and a tag. Enjoy!