Sunday, June 5, 2011

Good Grief!!

Wow, I can't believe that it has been so long since I posted! But apparently it has. There have been a few happenings going on around here. One of the most important is that our newest little grandson arrived a week and a half ago.
Isn't he a cutie??

Here he is with his two brothers and his dad. This little family now has half of my grandkids! But that will change come October as my daughter will have her second little one then.

Another happening is that my number 5 son graduated from his AIT (Advanced Individual Training) in the Heavy Construction Engineering Course at Fort Leonard Wood in March. He was suprised to receive the only promotion in his group at graduation so he is now a PFC (private first class) and guess what he brought home for me??? His new rank badges for me to sew onto his dress uniform! I thought I was done sewing on badges when my youngest son got his Eagle Scout award. Not so, apparently.

Isn't he handsome in his uniform? But you'll notice that this was taken before his new rank badge was sewn on (while he was still at Ft. LW).

A third happening is that my daughter-in-law graduated from ASU with her bachelor's degree in music education. Now she is searching for a music teaching job. Wish her luck, please!

The happy graduate and her hubby, in the sun, it was hot that day!

A fourth happening is that my daughter-in-law and I got our hair cut. We both went from waist length hair to shoulder length (well, hers is below her shoulders and mine is above my shoulders). We both donated the trimmed off locks to Locks of Love.

After. Boy, don't I look like a granny with those glasses!?!

Let's see, anything else newsworthy? Hmm. I guess that's about it for news. Well, I did celebrate another birthday, we won't say which one :-), and it was nice to get well wishes from my friends and family.

I have been sewing and making things and am in the middle of making the new grandbaby's quilt. He arrived before I even finished cutting it out, that's how behind I am! But I did finally start sewing it together so that's something I suppose.

That's all for now!