Thursday, March 26, 2009

Update and TAGGED

First the update. I managed to finish that cute pink baby quilt just in time for the new baby to come home from the hospital. I got my machine back and then ran out of the pink thread! But now it is done and given to the proud parents. But guess who forgot to take photos of the quilt?!!?!? Oh well. I asked my son to take some pictures of little Sophia with the quilt but so far haven't gotten any. We are going down there again this weekend, for Sophia's baby blessing, so I hope to get some pictures then. But for now, here is a photo of the happy family.

She was born on March 7th at 8:13 pm, was 7 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches long. And she has tons of hair! Not something that is normal for either our family or her mother's family. But she is a cutie and a welcome addition to our family.

Now for the tag. My daughter tagged me and I think that I just have to put in my responses to what she had on her blog so here goes:

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:

  1. Working at the City of Mesa Library's Dobson Ranch Branch
  2. taking classes long distance from BYU
  3. being a mom
  4. teaching the spiritual mini lessons at Enrichment/Homemaking meetings
  5. becoming a grandmother for the first time

5 Things on my to do list for today:

  1. fill out this tag
  2. work some more on the quilt for my daughter's baby
  3. make dinner
  4. get our van back from the garage
  5. turn in another lesson for my class

5 Things I would do with a million dollars:

  1. Help my kids with their various expenses
  2. Put most of it in savings for our missions/retirement
  3. get new furniture
  4. get some new clothes for us
  5. donate a lot to the LDS humanitarian fund

5 Places I have lived:

  1. Provo, Utah
  2. Laramie, Wyoming
  3. Brookhaven, New York
  4. Scottsdale, Arizona
  5. Tempe, Arizona

5 Jobs I have held:

  1. babysitter
  2. hotel maid
  3. refreshment stand attendant
  4. library page
  5. library clerk

5 Things I want to be doing in 5 Years:

  1. finally be empty nesters (no kids living at home)
  2. have all the kids married in the temple
  3. finished with school at last
  4. be a children's librarian
  5. have lots of grandbabies come to visit

5 People I tag:

  1. Jeannette
  2. MiriLou
  3. Crissi
  4. Ben
  5. Dave (this'll never happen!)

So there you go, a brief update and a tag. Enjoy!


theloulie said...

You lived in New York?

Way to go on no photo of the quilt, sheesh. But I can understand as I keep forgetting to get photos of jewelry I make and then sell.

PK said...

Yep, we lived on Long Island when I was in 7th grade. Dad worked at Brookhaven National Lab for a year. I guess it was before your time. Boy does that make me feel old!

Hopefully I'll get photos of the quilt this weekend. Maybe I'll remember this time.