that I'm not going to become one of those bloggers who writes tons of posts, gets a book contract, writes the book, becomes famous, and makes the talk show/book signing circuit. And I'm ok with that, for the most part. But I do realize that if I have a blog, I should write in it more than once every six months, so here goes a post! Don't die of shock, but you can keep reading if you want.
I don't know where all the time went but here are some of the things that have happened since my last post, all those months ago:
1)My Number 2 son got (re)married in Minnesota July 3rd-for which occasion my husband got on a plane for the first time in umpteen years
2)5 days later my Number 5 son (child #6) got married in Arizona July 8th
3)Number 5 son and Number 1 son tiled the floors in the master bedroom and the family room
4)We got new furniture in those two rooms
5)Number 5 son joined the Army National Guard
6)My Number 1 grandson started 1st grade
7)I finished piecing my queen sized quilt top
8)Number 5 son went to basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri
9)My daughter, her husband, and their son moved to Mesa from Tucson and now are that much closer to us, and I get to babysit their son when they both have to work, yay!
10)Had the most of the family (including all the grandkids) here for Thanksgiving at which occasion my Number 4 son and his wife announced they were expecting baby #3
11)went with one of my daughters-in-law to the Black Friday fabric sale at Joann's-I'm not going to be doing that again anytime soon-what a madhouse!! Who knew fabric would be so popular??
12)I made 4 fleece blankets for the 4 younger grandkids for Christmas-the oldest one already has a couple that I made him-by attaching satin binding on all four edges of each blanket with a fancy stitch on my sewing machine, plus I got books for each grandchild that matched their blanket
13)Started a Christmas quilt with hand embroidered blocks ( and used one of the blocks for a gift for my Number 6 son's Christmas gift, so now I have to make another of those blocks for the quilt.
14)Had a great Christmas, even though I had a cold-my Number 5 son was home from basic training, I got to talk to my Number 6 son who is in the Philippines on his mission, sometime during the day, each of my Arizona kids and their families came over, and I got to remember what Christmas is really about, the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
15)Got woken up at midnight on New Year's Eve by fireworks going off in the neighborhood, oh and by a phone call from our Number 2 son in Minnesota (no we didn't stay up late, only made it to about 11, just couldn't stay up any longer)
16)Had a nice but too short visit from my Number 2 son and his wife as they came out to join us for a week before...
17)...I got my husband on a plane again to go to Missouri, with our daughter-in-law, to go to Number 5 son's graduation from basic training-and froze!!! BRRR it was cold there! But so nice to see my son graduate and in his uniform. My husband was disappointed that he didn't get to try out some of the weapons that my son got trained on, but we did see, from the road, some other recruits on the shooting ranges. We also saw the destruction left behind by the tornado that went through the base on New Year's Eve-the destruction was pretty awful.
18)Indexed (for 211 records, all on just one batch, in one day-man that was a lot of work! Usually the batches have had no more than 50 records, but not that one.
19)My Number 3 son and his wife and their daughter (my only granddaughter) moved to Mesa and so they are now lots closer to us and all my grandchildren are now within 10 miles of us.
20)My daughter and I went to the Phoenix quilt/craft show on opening day-talk about a madhouse!!! There were so many people that you could hardly move around, let alone see much of anything. Next year, we'll go on a different day and hope that the crowds are less.
21)I finally posted again on my blog! I know, amazing, right?
So that gives you an idea of what has been going on in my life for the last few months. I think I got most of the important things in there. But life marches on whether we remember all of it or not. Bye for now!
Your family keeps growing and growing, beautiful new daughters, another grandchild- awesome!
The quilt is beautiful too.
Sweet post Mom! That sounds all about right! Except you forgot the part about your #2 son (and his wife) being your favorite!
Sounds like you were doing just exactly what you were supposed to be doing!! Congratulations on all these wonderful events!
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