Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, when I got my new sewing machine, it was supposed to come with some extra software but they were out. You'd think if the company was telling the stores they were having a sale of the machines and the software, they would send out some of both to the stores. Well, apparently they didn't. The store had a couple of the machines but none of the software! I did get an IOU for the software though, and a promise that I would be called when it came in. I had to call them this morning to find out what format the machine uses so that I could order some embroidery designs online but it was different ladies there this morning and they had no clue. While I had them on the phone, I asked if the software had come in and the lady said that it had. So I hopped in the car and headed over there to get it. When I got there, it turns out that it was the wrong software! Here is where the grr comes in! I asked again what format to order and they still didn't know but they did call the lady I had worked with on Friday and she told them what format to tell me. So I guess the trip over there wasn't a total loss but I wasn't too happy. So I'm still waiting for the right software to come in. Oh well, I guess patience is a virtue. I just hope it comes in soon!


Becky and Tyler said...

if it makes you feel any sewing machine is in a box in a closet!!! the software mess is what you get for getting a fancy pants machine!!! ;)

theloulie said...

Aack! What a pain.